By Jesse Stamm Happy New Year! This article will provide an overview of the consequences of having a criminal record. As many of you may well know, having any criminal convictions for a cannabis offence (even if you only received probation as a sentence) can affect your ability to travel to other countries—particularly the United […]
Month: January 2012
Cannabis Conventions 2012
The Cannabis Convention season is upon us, and the International Hempology 101 Society is gearing up to give us the best educational experience on cannabis in the province. The convention at the University of Victoria has been going strong since 1999, aside from one year in 2001 when the convention had to be cancelled […]
Catching up With Alison Myrden
By Al Graham It was 2003 when I first heard of Alison Myrden. I know the year because it was just shortly after my first ever Crohn’s flare up, and the year I became involved in the cannabis community. As time went on, I wanted to get better educated about cannabis so started attending events […]
Maritimers Unite for the Fight
By Debbie Stultz-Giffin Before I begin this article on the history of Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana Society (MUMM), I would like to thank Ted Smith for this opportunity to share some of what has and is happening on the East Coast medicinal cannabis front. I will tell you about myself and provide background […]
Hemp Food Reaching New Highs
By Diane Walsh “Tastes like sunflower, looks like sesame”—a clever little catch phrase I picked up along the way, coining hempseed as a food to a tee. Be it hemp, morning shakes, peanut chocolate energy balls made of hemp, almond goji powerballs or apple-power porridge (available right here in Victoria, B.C.), finger-licking brownies, hemp “corn […]
Review: Cannabis and the Soma Solution
By Ted Smith For anyone who believes pot smoking started in the 1960s, I have the book for you. Unraveling the secrets of cannabis that time has hidden, Chris Bennett, in his new book Cannabis and the Soma Solution, has established that the herb was the primary plant medicine used for spiritual purposes in ancient […]
Will The Pot Laws Fall Again?
By Ted Smith Every once in a while, a court case determines the direction of Canadian society. It is a rare occasion when unique circumstances challenge the courts to strike a balance between individual freedoms and public security. Often precedent helps guide a judge towards generally accepted principals of justice that predetermine rules of evidence, […]
Phytocannabinoid Therapeutics
By Owen Smith The History of Cannabis Extraction In the previous edition, I took a close look at how whole plant cannabis acts synergistically with our body chemistry to benefit a wide range of conditions. Simple whole plant medical cannabis products, or phytocannabinoid therapeutics, are often more effective, less expensive, and harbour fewer negative […]
DEA Gets Hard on Compassion Clubs
By M. Allister Greene A license gives peace of mind that you are doing everything right and by the books in the eye of the law, but as state and federal governments fight over the jurisdiction of state’s power over the legality of medical cannabis, licenses have become a placebo when what’s needed is a […]
EDITORIAL: Spread Your Support to Stop the War
Andrew Brown Editor Thanks for picking up another issue of the Cannabis Digest. A lot of people work really hard to get each issue out, and we all appreciate when we get the positive feedback from our readers and the kind stores who carry and distribute the newspaper. It helps to keep us going. I […]