(image CBC – the Current) By Dean Schwind I have been ranting about the coming corporate pot apocalypse for a little while now. Any OG will tell you that they can sniff out a cartel in the pot world like they can sniff out mold in the grow room. It clear to many of us […]
Month: January 2015
MMAR Patient Fights Back and Wins
By Daniel Boughen Last August, I went on a pleasant three week holiday across three lovely provinces, camping in B.C., visiting relatives in Alberta and landing at a family gathering in Saskatchewan. It was a relaxing trip and we and along the way there and back we visited many friends and relatives. It was the […]
How to Make Low-Dose Cannabis Oil Capsules
During my constitutional challenge for cannabis extracts in 2012, the federal government made the argument that the only difference between chewing the dried inflorescence (buds) and making an edible is that cookies are tasty. Tastiness doesn’t serve a medical purpose and certainly isn’t protected as a constitutional right. The Judge rightly saw through this argument […]
19 Years of Compassion and Change
by Ted Smith With little fanfare, the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club just entered its 19th year of distributing cannabis products to patients this past weekend. Despite the lack of fireworks, there is a lot to celebrate. In just a short time, on March 20, the club will be the talk of the country as its […]
Cannabis Digest Winter 2015 – Issue 43 Full
Cannabis Digest Issue #43
Editor’s opinion: political thoughts for 2015
Editor’s anti-dote to the post holiday blues…political thoughts. By Judith Stamps Totally My Opinion: Conundrums To Consider For 2015. 1. This may well be the last issue of Cannabis Digest before the next Canadian federal election…if, that is, there is to be a spring election. Evidence for an early election: Conservative Senator Mike Duffy’s trial […]
Hemp for Fuel
by Ted Smith One of the most intriguing uses of hemp is fuel. When Rudolf Diesel invented his engine in the late 1800’s it was made to burn fuels made with vegetable oils, much like the bio-diesel vehicles we often hear about today. Instead of using hemp or other more sustainable, environmentally friendly energy sources, […]
Marley Natural: Rasta Merchandising vs. Intellectual Property Rights
By Ras Kahleb Marley Natural is the world’s first global Cannabis brand featuring a line of products ranging from skin creams and oils to vaporizers and Jamaican grown strains of herb. But the negotiation between the Bob Marley estate and Seattle based Privateer Holdings equity firm has raised the eye brows of the global Rastafari […]
University of California Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research
(website: CMCR) Eliminating the Ignorance and Myth around Medical Marijuana By Dean Schwind In the last month of 2014, quietly and without fanfare or hoopla, the US Federal Government unceremoniously unfunded the war on medical marijuana. The U.S. House of Representatives’ approval of the landmark Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment to the 1.1 trillion dollar “Cromnibus Spending Bill” […]
Making Simple and Healthy Cannabis Edibles
By Owen Smith When buying ingredients for the V-CBC, who i worked for as a cannabis medicine maker, I was asked to always choose whole, raw, organic, locally produced products wherever possible. The nutritional benefit of fresh ingredients adds to the medicinal effects of the product. A tasty brownie or chocolate chip cannabis cookie will […]