(image:Hempcrete.com) By Diane Walsh For enthusiasts, it’s all about cementing the power of the industrial hemp movement right into people’s homes. You might ask, squinting one eye, and jutting forward to re-read…Hempcrete? Say what! When it comes to hemp, the ranges of uses (including food, clothing, rope, paper, soap, cosmetics, and even fuel) are well-known. […]
Month: October 2014
Standardizing Medicinal Cannabis Extracts
By Owen Smith In a previous blog I mentioned a number of medical cannabis products that are being developed around the world. All of these products require at least the basic extraction of the medicinal ingredients from the bulk of the cannabis plant. Although it is difficult pioneering work, medical cannabis groups have been diligently […]
Halloweed Antics!
(Ted Smith and Gayle Quin) There is no better time for the average cannabis smoker to come out of the closet than Halloween. This can be done in any number of ways, even if you do not have a cannabis event to attend. The possibilities are endless. One does not even need to consume cannabis […]
Free Radicals Fight Dictator
(White House photo by Pete Souza) My Friends and Fellow Activists: As you know, this past week has been a tragic one for our country. The hit-and-run in Montreal and the shooting in Ottawa have left our Nation shaken and alarmed. In this article released by CBC News[1] and this video of public safety minister […]
Timeline – Marijuana Prohibition in the UK
A Timeline of Marijuana Prohibition in the UK [i] The Years 1928-1945 In 1928, the UK’s Dangerous Drugs Act comes into force, making marijuana illegal in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This date places the UK at the midpoint of the dark era. Dates of prohibition for other areas in the English-Speaking […]
Lisa Kirkman; Life After Legalization and The NDP – Cannabis Video Digest (EP 006)
Lisa Kirkman Battles in Alberta; Life After Cannabis Legalization; The NDP’s Marijuana Mistake and more from the Cannabis Digest this week October 18th – 24th, 2014 with Owen Smith Subscribe to the Youtube Channel! Links/Notes Oct 18th By Dean Schwind Lisa “MamaKind’ Kirkman takes on the Alberta Health Services in one of the many […]
Hemp and the Founding of America
Hemp was very important financially and physically to the settlers of America. The fibre was used for rope, canvas and paper, making it highly sought after by old European countries seeking global domination by sea and those on the new frontier. While cotton is often thought to be responsible for the rich fortunes of early […]
Updates, Warnings and Suggestions #42
By Gayle Quin High there folks. I hope you have had a great summer. It has been a blur for me. Can you believe it? We are at issue #42! Bigger and better than ever. So my sincere thanks to everyone who has written, advertised, drawn and helped distribute our little paper. But the biggest […]
8 things for Marijuana Activists to do after Legalization
(image: Cannabis Culture) As we stand on the cusp of legalization in Canada thousands of marijuana activists across the country have spent decades and dedicated countless hours of their lives in the fight against prohibition. Congratulations Mr. and Ms. Marijuana activist! You can pat yourself on the back for a job well done! All that hard […]
How Can We Regulate Cannabis Extracts?
(image: HighTimes) By Owen Smith Patients, caregivers, advocates and now licensed producers are pressuring for the regulation of cannabis extract products. Canada’s prohibition on cannabis based medicinal extracts was struck down in British Columbia in 2012 and is under increasing pressure nationally as seriously ill Canadians are in need of the cleanest most effective form […]