The long battle to religious freedom By M. Allister Greene The fight for religious freedoms in the U.S. is one that is best represented by the struggles, court battles, and individuals that have tried to live in many different levels of a traditional Native American life. The difficulty is after hundreds of years of […]
Author: adminold
Sacrament or Demon Weed
Churches struggle to accept cannabis while some call to end drug war Cannabis and I did not cross paths, in any real way, until I was in my mid-twenties. Like a child who had just discovered the truth about Santa Clause, I had to compare notes with my peers despite the taboo. As a former […]
Justice Matters: MMJ and the Ministry
Get your legal questions answered by a professional By Jesse Stamm For this article of the Cannabis Digest, I have chosen to discuss the involvement of the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) as it relates to persons who use medical marijuana. The MCFD is the government agency responsible for child protection laws, and […]
U.S. Presidential Candidates on Pot
Obama, Romney, or Paul—who deserves the cannabis vote? By M. Allister Greene Polarization in the American political system is as common as house flies in an election year—be it in personalities of candidates, party supporters, or positions on hot button issues. This year is not turning out any differently, nor will the scale change with […]
Medicine Man Steps Down
Dedicated activist John Cook closes Halifax CBC of C By Debbie Stultz-Giffin Due to anticipated difficulties with the proposed MMAR scheduled to come into effect later that year I had my first opportunity to work with media in early 2001. All patients seeking exemptions would need, among other things, a specialist to verify their need […]
A Sensible BC
Dana Larsen spearheads a new initiative to decriminalize By Amie Gravell Decriminalization: Shuffling descriptions of criminality and shuffling perceptions of criminality. I first heard about the Sensible BC campaign from Dana Larsen when he spoke at the 13th Cannabis Convention at UVic. I came into marijuana advocacy and activism through a deep desire to speak […]
Women Rise Against Prohibition
Over the fall and winter I had the privilege and honour to witness and help guide a renewed vision on the landscape of cannabis activism in Canada—the uniting, empowerment, and amplification of the voices of women who have had enough of the laws interfering in their lives, and the lives of their families. I call […]
Native American’s Culture and Religion
By M. Allister Greene Less than 500 years ago, this land had tens of millions of people, from thousands of different cultures that lived from the Arctic to the tip of South America, and spread from one coast to the other, in every environment on these continents. We lived, we breathed, we fought, we loved, […]
Spreading the Herb on Campus
By Ted Smith With a slim margin of 52 percent in favour and 48 percent opposed, the University of Victoria Hempology 101 Club has received the support of the student body to move the weekly Wednesday 420 meetings back to the center of campus. That does not mean we can just ignore the new smoking […]
Cookie Trial Chips Away at MMAR
By Ted Smith A huge sigh of relief swept through the courtroom when Justice Johnson quickly announced the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations were unconstitutional on the morning of Fri. Apr. 13, 2012, in the case of Owen Smith, former head baker for the Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada. It was not a surprise. Shock struck […]