Russell Barth For the past year, BuzzOn co-founder Wayne Robillard has been hearing wild rumours about himself. People email him, call him, and talk to him in person, telling him that they had heard he was arrested, that BuzzOn had been raided, and worse. None of which was true, of course, but Ottawa, like many […]
Month: October 2016
Canadians Still Divided On Cannabis Legalization: Poll
A plurality of Canadians say that they support the government’s efforts to legalize cannabis, according to a new survey released Thursday. The poll — conducted by Deloitte LLP — found that Canadians, while overall slightly supportive of cannabis legalization, nonetheless remain divided on the issue going forward. Among the 5,000 Canadians surveyed, 40 percent were […]
Updates, Warnings, Suggestions: Issue 50
On Tuesday Oct 4, the International Hempology 101 Society held its Annual General Meeting at the Green Ceiling, thanks to our sponsors Skunkbeard and Panda. Aside from the elections it was not much different from our regular monthly board meeting, which is always open to the public. With so much happening in our field, […]
My Four Years at the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club
Evan Laine On June 6th, 2012, Ted Smith asked me to come into the Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada. I had been asking Ted to hire me for half a decade. Every year on April 20th, I would bring him my latest cannabis infused creation. I would offer him muffins, cookies, brownies, or vegetarian pot-pie […]
Issue 50 Cover Art by Georgia Toons
Cover Art by Georgia Toons Issue #50 hit the printers this week, Keep a look out for the Autumn Cannabis Digest at your friendly local headshop, cafe’ or dispensary. See more from Georgia on the Cannabis Digest On FB,Twitter,PIN: Georgia Toons Daily Blah Blah Blog and Cartoon! <>< Have Faith ☮♥ Georgiatoons shall own all […]
UVic Hempology 101 Club Aims For Higher Status
After 21 years of actively educating students about cannabis, the University of Victoria Student Society Hempology 101 Club is attempting to improve its ranking from a regular student club to a constituency organization. If students vote to support this upgrade, the UVSS Hempology 101 Club gains access to more funds, a seat at the […]
Kansas Attorney General Releases Statewide Cannabis Report
A new report issued by the Kansas Attorney General has found that cannabis from Colorado has had a measurable impact upon the Kansas’ illegal cannabis market and that Colorado’s legal recreational cannabis has “permeated nearly all parts of Kansas.” The report — released Friday by the office of Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt — distributed […]
Cannabis Health Radio: Victoria’s Newest Program in Public Education
WHO? Ian Jessop, and Corrie Yelland. Ian Jessop has been a radio journalist and political communications specialist since the early 1970s. A graduate of the Columbia School of Broadcasting, he was legislative reporter at CKNW in Vancouver in the 1980s; press secretary for Premier Van Der Zalm; and director of communications for the BC Liberal […]
VIDEOS from the 2016 Cannabis Hemp Convention
This week I am recording videos from the International Cannabis Business Conference in Vancouver, documenting the presentations of some of the world’s premiere researchers, scientists and advocates of cannabis’ many gifts. By sharing these videos we can help advance general understanding of this plant and perhaps quicken the progress of cannabis policy reform around the world. […]
The Passionate Life of Dean Schwind
Everyone should strive to live a life worth living, with conviction, grace and honour. My dear friend Dean Schwind passed away on July 13, 2016, knowing full well that he had lived a good life, packed with love, adventure and righteousness at the highest levels. For those of us left behind, it is now up […]