
Issue 27 – Winter 2011

Contents Credits Updates, Warnings, Suggestions California Dreaming Publisher’s Note Editorial Letter to the Editor Bill S-10 The American Votes Michelle Rainey Melanoma and Cannabis World’s Oldest Club Turns 15 Hemp Car Making Hemp Paper Hempology Wordsearch Comics Club Listings and Supporters



Heroes make the world a better place. Becoming a cannabis hero may not as hard as your think. Defending the truth, helping the sick and vulnerable, growing medicine, writing letters, wearing cannabis t-shirts, attending rallies, and networking on-line are individually easy things to do. Doing more than one thing to free the weed makes you a […]


Bill S-10: Mandatory Minimum Misinformation

By Frank Discussion “All of the parties need to give their heads a shake and really critically examine how these laws that are being passed are going to negatively impact the entire country.” – Kim Pate, executive director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies. Imagine the following scenario: You’re at a car dealership […]


Taking Stalk of Hemp Paper

By Kristen Mann The International Hempology 101 Society has provided me the opportunity to continue my post secondary education by sponsoring one course a semester for the last two years. This has not only encouraged me to continue working towards my goal of achieving a bachelor’s degree and enhanced my work with the Cannabis Buyers’ […]


Cannabis Infused Automobiles?

The Kestrel paves the way for sustainable personal transportation by using hemp as a a construction material By Diane Walsh THE HEMP CAR is here Industrial hemp campaign takes a giant leap forward Environmentalists speak often, and prophetically, about the need for more industry impetus for cars with low or—even better yet—zero emissions. What’s not […]



Looking back at past fifteen years with the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada By Ted Smith Fifteen years ago it occurred to me that society had created a medical emergency. The proposed goals of prohibition were health, peace, and prosperity. After decades of enforcement and lies, the war on drugs has dramatically hurt our ability […]


Melanoma and Cannabis

A sister’s fight with skin cancer, and a cure the government won’t acknowledge By Owen Smith In previous articles I’ve focused on the edible and topical products at the CBC of C—how they’re made, tested & developed in the context of an unlicensed Canadian cannabis dispensary—but in this article I’m going to step back from […]


Michelle Rainey

Courage. Compassion. Commitment.   On Oct. 20, 2010, the cannabis community lost one of its great leaders. Michelle Rainey, one of Canada’s foremost medicinal marijuana activist, succumbed to cancer with her husband Jef Tek and her mother Emilie by her side. Michelle was a bright light in the community, combining courage and commitment to her […]


The Votes For Cannabis Law Reform

Though Prop 19 didn’t pass, progress is still being made Stateside By M. Allister Greene In Nov. 2010, many voters went to their polls across the United States of America locking their arms with the somewhat faithful call for change. This was no different for many Cannabis supporters who wished to see reform in the […]