By Ted Smith While it has been understood that hash has been used by Islamic followers since its beginnings, the history of cannabis in that religion has been obscured and hidden. Certainly hash was not an integral part of the life of Mohammed, but it is not certain whether or not he ever used it […]
Month: August 2014
The Top 4 Reasons Mary Jane Is My Best Friend
(image Nick Shakespeare: Deviant Art) By Calli Walton Cannabis is many things to many people. To some, the recreational equivalent of a cold beer on a hot day. To others, a lifesaving necessity. And everything to everyone in between. As this is my first submission with Cannabis Digest, I’ve spent quite some time pondering what […]
Cancer, Candida and Mom’s Marijuana
By Adrion T. Kelley My mother, for all intents and purposes, is relatively square. She listens to Rush Limbaugh every morning while working around the house and likes to relax in the evening to a good old-fashioned black and white movie. Needless to say she has never been much of a partier, let alone a […]
Cannabis Extracts throughout History: Part 3
Cannabis in the Modern Era In the second part of this series on Cannabis Extracts in History I looked at references from 1CE to the 17th century when cannabis began to emerge in the west as a prominent medicine. The modern era is dominated by prohibition. Check out this ‘History of marijuana law in the […]
Winter of Hash? Has Smith created legal lacuna for extracts?
Winter of Hash? Has Smith created legal lacuna for extracts? All of the impacts of the recent Smith decision in the BC Court of Appeal have not been fully understood and many questions remain. While the lawyers debate about how the government will respond, there are a few points I would like to raise about […]
the Triumphant Return of Marc Emery, the "Prince of Pot"
(photo from Cannabis Culture Magazine) “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr One would need to be blind drunk to have overlooked the triumphant return of the “Prince of Pot” Marc Emery to […]
Absurdities in the War on Drugs: A New Timeline
1. The Indian Hemp Commission was carried out in India at the behest of British Parliament. Some of the wealthier classes had complained that “Indian Hemp,” as Cannabis as called, was making the working classes lazy. The Commission found the “hemp drug” innocuous. 2. Albert Hofmann discovered LSD in 1938. In 1943 he took […]
Crucified or Catatonic: Was Jesus Given Cannabis on the Cross?
Crucified or Catatonic: Was Jesus Given Cannabis on the Cross? Jesus died for our sins, or so we have been told. In the writings that were collected hundreds of years after his death there are many clues pointing to another possibility, a possibility that Jesus did not actually die on the cross but that he […]
Georgia Toons – Reason to Celebrate!
Georgia Toons – Reason to Celebrate. Georgia responds to the BC Court of Appeal ruling on Cannabis Extracts for Medicinal purposes. On FB,Twitter,PIN: Georgia Toons Daily Blah Blah Blog and Cartoon! <>< Have Faith ☮♥☺ [su_note]Georgiatoons shall own all intellectual property, including copyrights, models and drawings on all artwork created by Georgia Peschel. This […]
Health Canada on Hash
Intro by Ted Smith After the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club won a number of court cases early in the millenium, I started writing letters back and forth with Health Canada regarding the issue of cannabis extracts. This is the last letter we received. If you would like to see the earlier letters between me […]