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Fabric for the Conscious
by Diane Walsh Industrial hemp has been with human civilization since before 7000 B.C. But fast forward, for a moment, to the middle ages and the start of the Renaissance. Back in high school, a hippie history teacher may have told you about Christopher Columbus making use of hemp on his voyages. Things noted may […]
Cannabis Dispensaries and the Meaning of Civil Disobedience
Judith Stamps If you look at the cover of the May 2016 issue of MacLean’s, you will see a pastiche of cannabis dispensary photos overlapped by a bright yellow circle. In the circle are the phrases: A DRUG DEALER ON EVERY CORNER; ridiculously easy to buy; completely out of control; with the addition of the […]
A History of Marijuana Law in the USA
[su_dropcap style=”simple” size=”4″]I[/su_dropcap] attended and delivered the opening lecture at the Patients Out Of Time conference in Portland May 9,2014. This was the eighth national clinical conference on cannabis therapeutics and was hosted by the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland Oregon. In many ways this was a key note address about how cannabis […]