For Immediate Release
Tues, Aug 2, 2022
City Insists Health Canada Grant VCBC Exemption From Cannabis Act
Victoria B.C.: Once again, Victoria city council has written to Health Canada to affirm and clarify their unanimous support for the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club to receive an exemption from the Cannabis Act to provide high-dosage edibles to patients. This is the third letter the city has sent to Health Canada regarding the matter in the last few years but it is important to acknowledge the city council continues their support of the VCBC despite raids, threats to the landlord and a massive fine from the B.C. Attorney General. Health Canada has been in contact with the VCBC lately to get clarification on some issues but there is no deadline for a decision on the exemption application.
Click here to read the third letter of support from the Victoria City Council.
There are several reasons why the VCBC could not easily transition into the legal system without destroying the organization and leaving patients without affordable medicines they need, particularly high THC products not legally available. Many patients require high doses of THC to deal with chronic pain, cancer and other serious ailments. These members find the 10 mg limit on legal products, and prices, are unacceptable after having access to much higher levels of THC at a lower cost for so long without any notable problems.
In their statement, the city council refers to another critical letter of support signed by the top drug policy researchers in the province. Those academics agree with the VCBC that high-dose THC edibles are helpful for those individuals trying to avoid, or cut down, on their use of opioid drugs. Given the escalating death toll from overdoses, granting an exemption to the VCBC to curb opioid drug use is a practical step according to these experts.
Federal NDP MP Laurel Collins has also expressed her support for the VCBC to obtain an exemption from the Cannabis Act.
Operating since 1996, the VCBC is the oldest compassion club in Canada with over 8,500 members. In 2015, the club embarrassed Health Canada by winning a unanimous decision from the Supreme Court of Canada that made cannabis edibles and extracts legal. Lawyers Jack Lloyd and Kirk Tousaw are hopeful the club can obtain an exemption through political means rather than having to take the government to court again.
For more information call Ted Smith at 250-415-1063 or