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Growing Cannabis: A Gateway to Gardening
Cannabis plants have been cultivated since before anyone can remember; yet the skills and love for the art are only now set to be reintroduced to the public. With many ‘Reefer Madness’ myths being busted and banished, the ancient love and art of growing cannabis will soon be accessible to every adult in Canada. The […]
The City Of Ottawa Is Dragged Kicking And Screaming Into The 21st Century
Russell Barth There are two Ottawa’s really: The federal government Ottawa, that Canadians from coast to coast complain about when they watch TV or read the news papers; and the city itself. Having lived in Ottawa since Halloween of 1994, I have almost become accustomed to the cultural retardation that pervades so much of daily […]
Veterans for Cannabis
Getting veterans involved in the liberation of cannabis By Dave Nelson To the military side of our family, there is a Veteran Affairs Canada new Charter of Rights. What does this mean for you? If you have completed basic training and have been honourably released, there may be some assistance for you. At the same […]