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Interview with Dr. Lester Grinspoon
By Patrick Dewals Dr. Lester Grinspoon is associate professor emeritus of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School. He researched the medicinal legitimacy of the marihuana prohibition forty five years ago and discovered that an immense chain of lies served as a base for sending millions of people to jail the last four decades and a […]
Day One of Bill C-45: Five Scenes and Commentary
Legalization of cannabis in Canada represents a move neither to accept the herb as part of normal life, nor to accept its consumers as normal people. It is, rather, an attempted trade deal; it attempts to trade legalization for the extinguishing of cannabis culture: the medical, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of the cannabis experience. Bill […]
BC is yet to be Sensible
Campaign falls short, but will try again By Judith Stamps In Sept. 2013, cannabis activists in B.C. petitioned to create a future for themselves other than the one imagined for them by their federal government. While the attempt failed numerically, it succeeded in broadening the network of like-minded marijuana activists in B.C. If their […]