Andrew Brown Editor There is a power struggle going on in Canada, and most of the world for that matter, about the right to use cannabis. We have a conservative government that wishes to see all use made illegal, we have a majority of the population agreeing that “pot should be legalized,” and a court […]
Tag: matter
Smuggling Bricks Of Money And Blood
By M. Allister Greene Brick weed. To some these words are unfamiliar, but in most of the United States this is the cannabis that has spread across the market to a huge percentage of consumers, but is thought to be the lowest grade and poorest example of cannabis. To most consumers the words “brick weed” […]
Compassion falls in Quebec
A look at the recent raids that put medical users and compassion clubs accross Canada on edge A chill swept through the Canadian cannabis community as word spread of compassion clubs being raided throughout Quebec, on June 3. When the smoke cleared, there would be five clubs shut down by police in Montreal and […]