Activism Politics Police Complaint Fails: Appeal Expected August 12, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComments Off on Police Complaint Fails: Appeal Expected
Activism Uncategorized THC Limits and Access To Medical Cannabis Program Ruled Unconstitutional August 5, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComments Off on THC Limits and Access To Medical Cannabis Program Ruled Unconstitutional
Activism Canada Legal Did Police Investigation lead to second VCBC raid by CSU? July 27, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComments Off on Did Police Investigation lead to second VCBC raid by CSU?
Activism Archive Media Censored Cannabis TedxTalk: Ted Smith in TedxLangford May 21, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComment(0)
Activism VCBC Public Statement Regarding Emergency Change of Hours March 19, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComment(0)
Uncategorized Pleased to Introduce: Jacqueline Kittel, Manager of the VCBC March 4, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComment(0)
Activism Legal Letter to BC Cannabis Legalization Secretariat February 28, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComment(0)
Activism Medical Happy 24 years Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club January 26, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComment(0)
Uncategorized Jack Knox: Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club seeks exemption to pot laws January 10, 2020October 29, 2020Ted SmithComment(0)