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The Battle of Nanaimo
Dean Schwind Ironically, the day after Canadians celebrated the hard won freedom that our veterans fought and died for, Nanaimo RCMP served the cities dispensaries with a cease and desist order. That hard won freedom that our country values does not extend to the residents of the city of Nanaimo, or to the simple act […]
UVic Hempology 101’s Letter to VP of Finance
To Whom It May Concern, We believe it is in the best interest of the University of Victoria that the UVSS Hempology 101 Club be granted an exemption from the new smoking policy for the club’s traditional weekly 4:20 gatherings at Petch Fountains. The reasons the administration should consider granting the exemption and avoid the […]
Reflecting on the Cannabiz Life – Part 2: Expanding Horizons
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