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Artisan Growers Forum Addresses Legalization Challenges
(EDITOR UPDATE – THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED) With the federal government getting ready to introduce legislation this spring to legalize cannabis sales, a wide range of issues deserve public discussion. Over the next three months, the UVSS Hempology 101 Club and the BC Independent Cannabis Alliance will be hosting 3 debates at the […]
Day One of Bill C-45: Five Scenes and Commentary
Legalization of cannabis in Canada represents a move neither to accept the herb as part of normal life, nor to accept its consumers as normal people. It is, rather, an attempted trade deal; it attempts to trade legalization for the extinguishing of cannabis culture: the medical, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of the cannabis experience. Bill […]
Native American’s Culture and Religion
By M. Allister Greene Less than 500 years ago, this land had tens of millions of people, from thousands of different cultures that lived from the Arctic to the tip of South America, and spread from one coast to the other, in every environment on these continents. We lived, we breathed, we fought, we loved, […]