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Editors Note: Arrests and Liberal Legalization
It is difficult to write a cheery note in the midst of raids on dispensaries, relentless arrests (some 60,000 at last count), and the stress imposed on Canadian patients, trying to find sympathetic doctors, just too few and too far between. It is hard to feel uplifted when newfangled racketeers, who charge patients three to […]
Dr. Allen’s 16 Hour Dark Photoperiod
David B. Allen M.D. Cannabis plants need 12 hours of continuous darkness to produce flowers. Interrupting the dark cycle with light, even briefly, inhibits the plant’s ability to flower. This demonstrates that the enzyme system for flowering requires 12 hours of continuous darkness (or low light) to produce flowers. Plants in nature are not exposed […]
The Gayle Quin Chronicles
Happy spring everyone. It sure is great to be here still. Thank you so much to all of you amazing people who have been sending me love, medicine, food, company and healing thoughts and energy. What a year so far! A very special thank you to all of the club members for helping make history […]