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Hemp for Fuel
by Ted Smith One of the most intriguing uses of hemp is fuel. When Rudolf Diesel invented his engine in the late 1800’s it was made to burn fuels made with vegetable oils, much like the bio-diesel vehicles we often hear about today. Instead of using hemp or other more sustainable, environmentally friendly energy sources, […]
A Review of Dana Larsen’s Cannabis in Canada: The Illustrated History
Judith Stamps Some authors weave their chronicles into geometric shapes, presenting history as a long, upward trudge toward progress, usually via reason, and science; or portraying it as the steady, moral and physical decline of humanity from a nobler past; or showing a never ending round, as Mark Twain liked to say, of ‘one damned […]
The Extract Trial: Government Witnesses
By Owen Smith Two years after I had been arrested and charged in the act of making cookies, lozenges, gel caps, and massage oils with cannabis infused vegetable oils, we would begin the trial that would hear the constitutional challenge that was recently before the Supreme Court of Canada. After Ted Smith testified, Gayle Quin, Gina Herman […]