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How I Made My Own Hemp Paper
By Kristen Mann The International Hempology 101 Society has provided me the opportunity to continue my post secondary education by sponsoring one course a semester for the last two years. This has not only encouraged me to continue working towards my goal of achieving a bachelor’s degree and enhanced my work with the Cannabis Buyers’ […]
Hemp and the Founding of America
Hemp was very important financially and physically to the settlers of America. The fibre was used for rope, canvas and paper, making it highly sought after by old European countries seeking global domination by sea and those on the new frontier. While cotton is often thought to be responsible for the rich fortunes of early […]
Time For A NORML Conversation
By Ted Smith There is one organization in Canada that has the potential to build a network of activists capable of influencing politicians and convincing judges to dismantle cannabis prohibition. One organization that almost everyone in the cannabis industry has heard about but few have actually joined. One organization that could be used by the […]