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EDITORIAL: It’s all About Freedom
Andrew Brown Editor There is a power struggle going on in Canada, and most of the world for that matter, about the right to use cannabis. We have a conservative government that wishes to see all use made illegal, we have a majority of the population agreeing that “pot should be legalized,” and a court […]
the Ancient Holy Anointing Oil: Hempology 101 Texbook Video
Here is another video in our series describing information contained in HEMPOLOGY 101: THE HISTORY AND USES OF CANNABIS SATIVA, a little book I wrote. The most obvious reference to cannabis in the Old Testament appears in the Book of Exodus when God instructs Moses to make an anointing oil using kaneh bosom. Given all […]
‘The Box’ at the VCBC
(Patient Perspectives – This is part of an ongoing series of blogs highlighting the perspective of medical cannabis users in the face of Canada’s plans to legalize cannabis.) Rhys Corson Why Vapor lounges should be allowed and also why consumption should be allowed in the workplace. For those of you whom have not experienced the […]