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Hemp in Old England
By Ted Smith Relying upon sailboats to expand trade and conquer territories meant the English had to gain access to large amounts of hemp rope and canvas. Since being raided by the Romans, canvas sails made from hemp and hemp rope became very important for their navy and commercial fleets. While most of this hemp […]
Jack Knox Interviews Ted Smith about the ‘Cannabond’ Payout
This article was reposted from the Times Colonist, Oct. 4th, 2018. Fifteen years later, Ted Smith’s dreams are about to come true: He’s on the hook for $12,000 worth of pot. Back in 2003, the Victoria marijuana crusader devised a novel way to fund his Cannabis Buyers Club’s legal battles. He offered what he called […]
Cannabis Activism on the Internet
I was raised in some of the most socially and politically conservative parts of Canada. As a child and young adult, I was well educated in the harms associated with illicit drug use. I had no reason to believe that those lessons were based on bad information. I kept my distance from drugs and had […]