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UVic 420 Holding Its Ground
After 16 years of weekly 420 circles at the University of Victoria campus security are still making appearances trying to stop the UVSS Hempology 101 club from protesting. However, the club has held firm, despite the my arrest for trafficking in 2000 and smoking bylaws that came into effect in 2011. Last week, though, the […]
Will Victoria Close or License Cannabis Dispensaries?
By Ted Smith Under pressure from a new wave of cannabis dispensaries, Victoria City council will decide Thursday whether to shut them down, regulate them or simply do nothing and hope the situation will somehow take care of itself. Last Tuesday in Vancouver, city council voted in favour of opening a public hearing into a […]
Ottawa’s Unique 420 History
Russell Barth The first 420 celebration in Canada was held in Vancouver in 1995, and some time shortly after that, Ottawa held it’s first informal 420 gathering in Major’s Hill Park, immediately across the street from the eyesore of a US Embassy on Sussex Drive. These early gatherings were small: a few hundred people, no […]