Tag: oil
From Grease to Grass: Oil Speculation
Jerry Golick For a while now we have been hearing lots of “doom and gloom” coming from Canada’s oil industry. The dramatic fall in the price of “black gold” is understandably troubling for many in the Alberta oil patch. Given the importance of oil to our economy, this is of course a dire concern for […]
GoFundMe: Cannabis Oil to the Supreme Court of Canada
Goto the GOFUNDME page Extracted Cannabis oil should be available to Canadian Patients. Since I was arrested in 2009, I have led a constitutional challenge with Kirk Tousaw, Ted Smith and the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club for medical cannabis patients to use edible or topical products. We were successful in the BC Supreme Court, […]
Cannabis Baker Basics: Olive Oil
By Owen Smith In my previous blog I talked about decarboxylation, which transforms cannabinoid acids into their active states. Once this is performed you may immerse the dried marihuana into a medium of some sort to facilitate ingestion. Now the question arises, what medium should you use? At this stage you can decide to concentrate […]
Why Hemp Oil Should Be in Every Cupboard
By Diane Walsh Hemp oil: one of the intriguing “potions” that Mother Nature, with her bobbing head and knowing smirk, bestowed on us mere mortals long, long ago. From Earth, is this oil! It’s oil from a smart plant indeed. Into our imperfect and sometimes ill-stricken body systems, it flows—absorbed by the multitudes, over […]
Educated Cannabinoid Crusaders : Could cannabis be an essential nutrient?
Could cannabis be an essential nutrient? [dropcap]In[/dropcap] my previous article, I broke down the list of cannabis derivatives in Schedule 2 of the CDSA that were recently made available to patients authorized to possess “dried cannabis” for medical purposes in British Columbia. This effect was achieved by the BC Supreme Court deleting the words “dried […]