Mitt Romney (mis)speaks out on medi- cal marijuana, the LA dispensary ban is repealed, and the feds keep on grinding away at medical marijuana providers with another conviction in Montana and a lengthy prison sentence in Michigan. And that’s just for starters. Let’s get to it: National On Monday, GOP presidential can- didate Mitt […]
Tag: sentence
Justice Matters: Pardons
By Jesse Stamm Happy New Year! This article will provide an overview of the consequences of having a criminal record. As many of you may well know, having any criminal convictions for a cannabis offence (even if you only received probation as a sentence) can affect your ability to travel to other countries—particularly the United […]
Crime Bill Coming Soon
By Amie Gravell The Safe Streets and Communities Act, what we know as bill C-10 (also bill S-10 and C-15 in other incarnations), had both previous versions of the bill died in the house due to prorogation of the Government of Canada for the Prime Minister’s benefit, or due to the call for an election. […]
It was a hard day for all Marc Emery supporters when he was sentenced, on Sept. 11. In a written statement it appeared that Emery had, in one fell swoop renounced his past acts of civil disobedience, as well as withdraw his previous endorsement of such actions. “My zealous pursuit of what may be an […]