By Ted Smith By the time you read this, I will have passed the club off to the newly formed society and will be making my living selling the textbook and other Hempology 101 products. It is a dream come true turning the club into a fully functional non-profit society. It is also a dream […]
Tag: work
Publisher’s Note: Great Plains of Hempology
Ted Smith By the time you are reading this I should be touring around the country promoting the Hempology 101 Textbook and the many benefits of cannabis. It seems fitting that it is coming to life just after my 43rd birthday. The first 42 years of my life have been a lot of fun. The […]
Publisher’s Note: Hempology 101 Coming Soon to You
By Ted Smith After 17 years of studying, writing, procrastinating, fighting for my life, and organizing meetings, it is hard to believe I am close to publishing the Hempology 101 textbook. But if all goes well it should be available soon after this issue goes to print. Far from being the end of a project, […]
Catching up With Alison Myrden
By Al Graham It was 2003 when I first heard of Alison Myrden. I know the year because it was just shortly after my first ever Crohn’s flare up, and the year I became involved in the cannabis community. As time went on, I wanted to get better educated about cannabis so started attending events […]
EDITORIAL: Spread Your Support to Stop the War
Andrew Brown Editor Thanks for picking up another issue of the Cannabis Digest. A lot of people work really hard to get each issue out, and we all appreciate when we get the positive feedback from our readers and the kind stores who carry and distribute the newspaper. It helps to keep us going. I […]
Remember Me the Way I Was
The road to medical freedom is still rocky By Joy Davies “Remember me the way I was” is what the note said that the policeman found on Priscilla’s bathroom counter. My God, after 10 years of living with excruciating pain, after 10 years of doctors and specialists, they put her through every pharmaceutical they could […]
By Kristen Mann Jack began life in New York State on June 18, 1939, two years after the criminalization of cannabis in America, and at the brink of the Second World War. Jack lead a fairly normal child- hood, however, he lost his father at the beginning of his adolescence. At 17, during the height of […]
Member Profile: Cj Heavey
I was first introduced to drugs in 1969, when I was 15-years old. What a drug! It got me high, spaced out, and mentally impaired. On some occasions, I was totally wasted. I found I needed higher quantities of the drug as it wasn’t doing its job. This all lead to other readily-available narcotics coursing […]
Updates, Warnings, And Suggestions
By Gayle Quin & Ted Smith This is a most exciting start to the new year. There have been no charges laid in connection with the Bake-Op. We have just celebrated our 14th Anniversary of the Club with a small party at the store. A big thanx to everyone who helped make food, and helped […]