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Big Joint Intervenor Application
By Ted Smith It is with great pleasure that we announce that five intervenors have been accepted by the Supreme Court of Canada in the March 20 hearing of Owen Smith. One of the applications is actually a joint submission by three organizations working together, the Canadian AIDS Society, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and […]
Amygdalar Control and the Art of Zen
Controlling the reptilian brain. You have three main portions of your brain. The Brainstem, the Cerebrum and the Limbic System which is the connection between first two. The brainstem is the primitive or reptilian portion and is responsible for keeping the species alive. It is responsible for autonomic function of heart rate and respiration. The […]
Metabolism, Homeostasis and the Endocannabinoid Signaling System.
The Evolution of Metabolism, Homeostasis and the Endocannabinoid Signaling System. David B. Allen M.D. Homeostasis is a term that is used to describe both the survival of organisms in an ecosystem and the successful survival of cells inside of an organism. Organisms and cell populations can maintain homeostasis in an environment when they have a […]