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Cannabis and Youth: Exploding the Categories
CANNABIS AND YOUTH: EXPLODING THE CATEGORIES Judith Stamps T’is the season of the goblin, and once again we find ourselves confronted with media-driven Halloween goody scares. It is presently—as I scribble—Saturday, October 31st, and parents and kids of all ages are being warned to watch out, because people out there will be putting ‘marijuana’ into […]
Taxonomic Troubles?
By Jamie Shaw Whats in a name? A recent Canadian Medical Association Journal(CMAJ) piece displayed the names of cannabis strains provided by Health Canada Licensed Producers and suggested that many of the names should be changed to be less ‘recreational’ sounding. While on the surface this sounds like sage advice, it actually underlines the deep-seated […]
How I Saved My Life From Booze With Cannabis
Ted Smith This May long weekend marked 20 years since I have had a drink of alcohol, a decision that I believe saved my life from one of misery and woe. Having dedicated my life to cannabis, quitting drinking was an easy decision to make for many reasons and one I cannot imagine regretting. There […]