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Just Jakes-Just Getting Hempy
By Andrew Brown Over the past several years, Duncan, B.C. has become a model of progression in terms of a move towards a sustainable community. From regular farmer’s markets in the downtown core (and another in the outskirts), to regular community events, downtown businesses are working together to make the community better for people and […]
Cannabis and Diabetes
In a study involving nearly 11,000 patients, The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES III), reported in 2011, that Marijuana users had a 66% reduction in the incidence of Diabetes after adjustment for numerous potential confounding factors.1 This is just one of many new studies and patents that show a decreased incidence of […]
Dutch Hemp Masters
For centuries, the Dutch have embraced the economic benefits of trade in all things cannabis. Almost entirely dependant upon boats for trade and conquest, they relied heavily upon hemp sail cloth and rope. To this very day the Netherlands have been a friendly place to trade in cannabis, as its 40 decriminalization policies have shown […]