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Cannabis Extract Trial Fundraising Update
(see the complete graphic at the bottom of the page) by Owen Smith On march 20th of this year the Supreme Court of Canada will hear our arguments for medical cannabis extracts. This challenge again in 2009 when I was arrested making a variety of edible and topical cannabis products. In 2012 we were successful […]
Yogabis: Melding Mind, Body and Cannabis
Ganja Yoga is for folks interested in engaging in healthy practices for mind and body. What is ganja yoga? Essentially it’s ingesting psycho-active cannabis and then doing yoga practice while under it’s influence. Why include ganja in a yoga practice? For me, using ganja regularly as a helpful tool in yoga classes increases body awareness […]
Cannabis Sativa. One Plant, Two Laws
A Tale of Two Seeds Kristen Mann For years we have been looking forward to the legalization of this amazing plant but let us not forget that low THC cannabis (hemp) is already legal to grow in Canada and has been since May 1998. However, if you or I wanted to grow a bit of […]