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Issue 27 – Winter 2011
Contents Credits Updates, Warnings, Suggestions California Dreaming Publisher’s Note Editorial Letter to the Editor Bill S-10 The American Votes Michelle Rainey Melanoma and Cannabis World’s Oldest Club Turns 15 Hemp Car Making Hemp Paper Hempology Wordsearch Comics Club Listings and Supporters
I Fought The Law And The Law Lost
By Ted Smith Friday, March 20, 2015 will be forever etched in history as the day the laws prohibiting cannabis in Canada get proven to be counter-productive before the Supreme Court of Canada. Never before has the highest court in the land been shown such strong evidence that the benefits of this incredible plant far […]
EDITORIAL: It’s all About Freedom
Andrew Brown Editor There is a power struggle going on in Canada, and most of the world for that matter, about the right to use cannabis. We have a conservative government that wishes to see all use made illegal, we have a majority of the population agreeing that “pot should be legalized,” and a court […]