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A Review of High Times’ Forty-Year Self-Published History
In 1974, late activist Thomas Forçade invented and began publishing the pro-marijuana magazine, High Times. This year the magazine turns forty. In honour of its birthday Forçade’s Trans High Corporation has published the retrospective: High Times: A 40-Year History of the World’s Most Infamous Magazine—self-styled both a “visual history” and a “coffee table book.” […]
Barriers to Hemp Production Crumpling
By Diane Walsh Why Not Hemp Paper? Half of the world’s forests have been cut to make paper from wood. Sad, don’t you think? Here’s something you can do about deforestation. Seek out an alternative—fibre sources derived from hemp, that are fresh tree-free. Though not widely publicized, the hemp paper market does exist. It […]
Ancient North American Hempsters
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