Suppressing Scientific Study of Cannabis is an admission of Ulterior Motives. There has been a virtual ban on scientific research on marijuana since the La Guardia Committee report came out in 1944. New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, commissioned a scientific study of the effects of Marijuana during 1939-1944. In this study Mayor La Guardia […]
Author: David B. Allen M.D.
Cannabis and Diabetes
In a study involving nearly 11,000 patients, The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES III), reported in 2011, that Marijuana users had a 66% reduction in the incidence of Diabetes after adjustment for numerous potential confounding factors.1 This is just one of many new studies and patents that show a decreased incidence of […]
Marijuana Protective in Strokes
Cannabis or Marijuana has at least 60 compounds which are termed Cannabinoids and have medicinal effect. Two of those compounds, (Cannabidiol and THC) have both been proven to protect brain tissue from ischemic (low blood flow) type strokes. This was proven by the U.S. Government scientist working for the Department of Health and Human Services. […]
Amygdalar Control and the Art of Zen
Controlling the reptilian brain. You have three main portions of your brain. The Brainstem, the Cerebrum and the Limbic System which is the connection between first two. The brainstem is the primitive or reptilian portion and is responsible for keeping the species alive. It is responsible for autonomic function of heart rate and respiration. The […]
Cannabinoid Receptors in the body and their Importance
In 1964 Raphael Macheoulam, an Israeli professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, isolated the key component THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) from an extract of a Cannabis Sativa plant. THC is the compound in Cannabis (Marijuana) that causes the euphoria and other medicinal effects. He also isolated cannabidiol, cannabigerol […]
A History of Marijuana Law in the USA
[su_dropcap style=”simple” size=”4″]I[/su_dropcap] attended and delivered the opening lecture at the Patients Out Of Time conference in Portland May 9,2014. This was the eighth national clinical conference on cannabis therapeutics and was hosted by the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland Oregon. In many ways this was a key note address about how cannabis […]