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EDITORIAL: The Clear Green Skies
Andrew Brown Editor It’s pretty amazing being able to sit back and watch the wall of prohibition self destruct. Well, perhaps it isn’t all self destruction, rather decades of dedicated activism persistently pointing out the deceit that the prohibition of cannabis was built on, but nonetheless it is the bold lies of the past eighty […]
8 Challenges to Opening a Cannabis Dispensary
Jamie Shaw (Article previously appeared at I’ve been asked a few times to tackle a piece on how to start a medical cannabis dispensary. I finally agreed, then thought about it for a bit, and nope. Not gonna do it. Dispensaries are still illegal (to what level depends on where in North America you […]
Georgia Toons – Power Corrupts On FB,Twitter,PIN: Georgia Toons Daily Blah Blah Blog and Cartoon! <>< Have Faith ☮♥☺ [su_note]Georgiatoons shall own all intellectual property, including copyrights, models and drawings on all artwork created by Georgia Peschel. This artwork is protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in any manner, or for any purpose, except by written […]