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Cannabis and the Foundation of Civilization
(image: Cannabis Digest) By Ted Smith As early hunter-gatherers began to unlock the secrets of civilization, they also began forming symbiotic relationships with the plants that provided the fundamental resources necessary for survival. Primary among these symbiotic plants is Cannabis Sativa, whose relationship with humankind is hundreds of thousands of years old. The seeds of […]
Cannabis in Costa Rica – Part 2
The Costa Rica Medicinal Cannabis Movement Will they succeed? In the last blog I introduced cannabis prohibition in Costa Rica from the perspectives I gathered while visiting earlier this year. My interview with Gerald Murray of the Costa Rica Medicinal Cannabis Movement suffered some technical difficulties but I was still able to ask […]
Publisher’s Note: Hempology 101 Expanding Quickly
By Ted Smith By the time you read this, I will have passed the club off to the newly formed society and will be making my living selling the textbook and other Hempology 101 products. It is a dream come true turning the club into a fully functional non-profit society. It is also a dream […]