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The Benefits of Activism
May you grow up to be righteous, May you grow up to be true, May you always know the truth, And see the lights surrounding you, May you always be courageous, Stand upright and be strong, May you stay forever young. ~Bob Dylan (image: 420times) Recently, during a cross country air plane trip I had […]
Big Joint Intervenor Application
By Ted Smith It is with great pleasure that we announce that five intervenors have been accepted by the Supreme Court of Canada in the March 20 hearing of Owen Smith. One of the applications is actually a joint submission by three organizations working together, the Canadian AIDS Society, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and […]
How NOT To Have a Public Debate on Legalizing Marijuana
Notes on the February 4th Event at the University of Victoria Last Wednesday I trotted off to UVIC’s Farquar Auditorium to listen to a ‘debate/discussion’ on legalizing marijuana, put on by the UVSS—the student society. They had organized a panel with four speakers, two pro, two con. On the pro side were activist Marc […]