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New series: VCBC Member Meetings
Time to get involved with the club! There has never been a more critical time for the VCBC to reach out and get the members more involved in various functions. From fighting the government in court, to educating the public about the medical uses of cannabis, to bringing in new patients, to sharing our news […]
Supreme Court Extract Case Set for March
By Ted Smith On March 20, 2015, patients and activists from across the country will descend upon the Supreme Court of Canada to witness the first medical cannabis case ever heard by the high court. Owen Smith, former head baker of the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club, will be in the front row to watch his […]
Getting Involved with Hempology 101
By Steven Faryna I’m going to be writing about the why’s and how’s of starting a cannabis oriented university or college club. Apart from giving you the basic information on what you will need to do, I also hope to convince you of the great experiences that a school club can bring. On Oct. 5, […]