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Are Cheech and Chong Still Smokin’?
(Owen Smith, Bill Stewart and Ted Smith at the Royal Theatre for Cheech and Chong) By Ted Smith Fame and fortune are the goals of many youth, but few senior citizens truly get to look back at a long career and feel they have reached the top. Not so for Cheech and Chong, unquestionably the […]
Winter of Hash? Has Smith created legal lacuna for extracts?
Winter of Hash? Has Smith created legal lacuna for extracts? All of the impacts of the recent Smith decision in the BC Court of Appeal have not been fully understood and many questions remain. While the lawyers debate about how the government will respond, there are a few points I would like to raise about […]
Margie’s Medicinal Cannabis
I had never heard of juvenile arthritis until one day when I was working at the VCBC; a very warm and friendly senior couple, Ian and Margie came through the doors. Right away, I noticed two bright, contagious smiles while I served them, delighted to hear them express how cannabis had saved their lives. Margie […]