NEW: 50mg CBD Capsules & Price Drops
We are so excited to announce that we have partnered with a new supplier of CBD Isolate and we are able to offer a reduced price on our existing products and we are also announcing some new products.
20mg CBD Isolate Caps are now $5 for 20 capsules. (Was $20 for 20 caps) CBD Pet Spray is now $10 (Was $20 for 560 mg of CBD) 5500 mg CBD Spray is now $50 (Was $120) 1:1 CBD/THC Cartridges 31.6% THCHoney Oil & 33% CBD C02 Oil 0.5ml $10 1.0ml $15 New Product: 50mg CBD Isolate caps $10 for 20 caps. |
CBD Isolate caps are ideal for those who are looking for relief from anxiety, inflammation, neuropathy, and many other chronic conditions. We have learned that the body can make use of up to 50mg of CBD at a time, so this product is ideal for maximum dosing.
CBD is most effective when taken throughout the day so for maximum symptom relief we recommend patients dose their CBD every 3 to 4 hours to maximum efficacy.
Mail Order and Online Menu
Online Menu:
The BC CSU took down our website in 2022 and we have been using this Google Excel sheet ever since. Please email us at to receive a link to our current menu, it is the only link you will need.
We do our best to update the excel sheet every day with our current menu. If something is missing or isn’t clear, feel free to email us or give us a call at 250-381-4220
Mail Order Process:
Did you know we process mail orders across Canada? We take mail orders through email and we process mail Monday to Friday. When you know what you want, we ask that you send your order to us over email to
Once we have your order, we put it together (sealing any flower or hash), email you an invoice with the total and mail out your package upon payment. As we don’t have credit/debit (banks are federally regulated), all payments are accepted via Interac E-transfer. Do not send payment until the order is confirmed with the cost of shipping.
Cost of shipping is priced individually based on the Canada Post cost for shipping based on the size, weight and distance traveled for each package.
VCBC Annual General Meeting Announcement
The VCBC AGM will take place on Wednesday October 11th at the VCBC Storefront at 1625 Quadra St.
We will be discussing the club’s financials, hearing from Ted about the politics and current status of the VCBC, and voting in the new Board of Directors. For those who cannot make it, a link will be distributed via email to our mailing list and we will live stream the event via Google Meet.
Nominations for Board of Directors open September 6th and will close October 6th. Four of our current Board members are standing for re-election and there are two open positions that need to be filled. If you have any questions about what it means to be on the Board, please speak to Ted Smith or email us at
To be nominated to the Board of Directors:
1) You must be a member of the VCBC to nominate someone to the board of directors. Nominations need to be submitted in store or by email to
2) You do not need to be a member of the VCBC to be on the Board of Directors.
3) At the AGM we will vote on all the nominees to decide who will be on the VCBC Board for the 2023-2025 term.
VCBC and CISUR invite you to participate in a research study:
The VCBC is so pleased to partner with Dr. Marilou Gagnon of the Canadian Institute of Substance Use Research once again for another impactful research study.
We are looking for participants to take part in a CIHR-funded study on the impact of cannabis legalization on low-barrier access points in British Columbia (BC).
We are currently recruiting 10-12 participants on a first come, first served basis, who live with a chronic illness and/or chronic symptoms and consume cannabis for therapeutic purposes (including symptom relief, wellbeing, substitution of prescribed medications, self-medicating, traditional healing, etc.). More specifically, we want to connect with people who access (accessed) their cannabis at low-barrier access points in BC.
If you have questions about this study and/or are interested in participating, please email us at or leave a voicemail for lead researcher, Marilou Gagnon, at 250-721-7959 and we will be in touch to confirm your eligibility and schedule an interview.
Grow Up Conference and Expo is returning to Victoria BC, October 1-3, 2023. Canada’s #1 Cannabis Conference will feature the Grow Up Industry Awards Gala, and the Brands and Buyers Retail Zone. The event will bring over 100 high-level industry speakers, hundreds of retail buyers and budtenders, 70+ exhibitors and thousands of delegates together on Vancouver Island. Grow Up Conference and Expo is focused on the education, collaboration and growth of the cannabis growing industry. Meet licensed producers, suppliers, equipment manufacturers, investors, lawyers, government officials and growing enthusiasts – all in one magnificent location.
Ted Smith is being honored with a LifeTime Achievement Award for his lifelong work in the cannabis industry advocating for patients.
He will be awarded this designation on October 1st 2023 at the Grow Up Awards Gala. The Grow Up Industry Awards Gala is a national annual event honoring cannabis professionals and companies and recognizing excellence and innovation in our industry.
Check out for more information on attending the Awards Gala. We will also be hosting a party at the VCBC to celebrate! More info below.
VCBC After Party for the Grow Up Conference
Please join us after the Grow Up Conference and Expo for the VCBC’s After Party Fundraiser! We will be hosting the event on Tuesday Oct 3rd at 7pm at our home 1625 Quadra St. We’re the only canna smoke friendly after party in town to celebrate the Grow Up conference taking place Oct 1-3 in downtown Victoria.
All proceeds raised will go towards the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club’s legal defense fund. We at the VCBC are continuing a decades long fight with the BC Government to provide high quality and high dose medicines to patients. We are continuing to face pressure from the BC CSU and we are still recovering from the last raid and seizure that took place in May 2023.
Please join us for an evening of celebration in honor of Ted’s Lifetime Achievement Award with some dancing to some epic reggae beats! We will also be providing some delicious appies to snack on throughout the night. Lastly we will be hosting a dab bar so be sure to bring out your concentrates and BYObud to toke with us!
August & September Potlucks
The time has come to gather for our Monthly potluck at the VCBC! Please join us at 6pm at the VCBC store front and bring a dish to share. We will provide paper to write ingredients for contributions for allergy purposes.
BYObuds to toke, and we will provide the games to play! You do not have to be a member to join us at the potluck, friends and family are very welcome.
Our next potlucks will be: Sunday August 24 & Sunday September 24th @ 6pm. |

Study on The Box has been Published!
“The Box Has Become an Indispensable Part of My Life”: A Case Study of Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club and its Consumption Space.” Written by Gagnon, M., Payne, A., Walsh, Z., Guta, A., & Strike, C. (2023). Published in Contemporary Drug Problem
Last year the VCBC partnered with substance use researchers to capture and quantify the value of our longstanding consumption space, The Box. Led by Dr. Marilou Gagnon of the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, this study was released in June 2023 and was published in Contemporary Drug Problems (2023).
This research paper functions to quantify the benefits of this unique smoking lounge. We hope that this work will be used to support the development of future regulations for cannabis consumption spaces that are inclusive of the needs of patients.
Unfortunately, the lounge is not available at the VCBC’s new home on Quadra St. We fully intend on reopening another indoor consumption space when the funds become available to build it. In our previous location, we hosted our indoor smoking lounge for over twenty years. There is a long history of community events and relationships built in our space that contributes to the data collected in the study surveys.
We want to send a deep thank you to everyone who participated. In total we received 104 survey responses that composed the data set for this very important research. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to Dr. Marilou Gagnon and her team for taking on this project and encapsulating the value the Box holds for so many of us.
This week on we will post a full summary of the research paper.