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With most recreational producers and retailers in the cannabis sector struggling to make a profit, there is very little incentive to save the medical cannabis program amongst them. It is hard to blame the recreational cannabs industry for wanting the business, given how various levels of government are making it very difficult to turn a […]
Breaking The Law
For many of us objecting to the prohibition of cannabis is not enough. In order to use the herb most of us have to break the law. This can have serious consequences for some, yet for many of us challenging the laws by smoking in public, growing, trafficking or speaking out has become a way […]
Sacrament or Demon Weed
Churches struggle to accept cannabis while some call to end drug war Cannabis and I did not cross paths, in any real way, until I was in my mid-twenties. Like a child who had just discovered the truth about Santa Clause, I had to compare notes with my peers despite the taboo. As a former […]