(see the complete graphic at the bottom of the page)
by Owen Smith
On march 20th of this year the Supreme Court of Canada will hear our arguments for medical cannabis extracts. This challenge again in 2009 when I was arrested making a variety of edible and topical cannabis products. In 2012 we were successful in the BC supreme court; in 2014 in the BC court of appeal and this year we seek success in Canada’s highest court. There are many articles at www.CannabisDigest.ca that you can read to fill yourself in on any of the details.
In order to maintain this lengthy legal campaign we have had to fund raise close to $100,000. Just for the final leg in Ottawa we will need about $15,000. Through Hempology and the Cannabis Digest we have organized public events such as art auctions, hemp burger bbq’s and dances. 2 months ago we launched the GoFundMe campaign online to offer an opportunity for those who can to help.
The GoFundMe page has collected $5,462 from 65 people in 2 months, just over one third of our goal, fortunately unlike some other crowd-funding websites, we will receive the money even if we do not reach our goal. Others have skipped the website and it’s small fee, mailing money directly to the V-CBC or Kirk Tousaw. Donate to Kirk by marking a cheque to ‘Tousaw Law Corporation’ with the memo line ‘Owen Smith Trust Account’, the addresses are at the bottom of the graphic.

Renowned glass blower Red Beard dedicated a series of videos on Pot-TV to the creation of a cookie monster dab rig that was bought in an auction for $3000. Ontario Medical Marijuana offered to match donations during a weekend in early february, helping to draw $1320 in a few days. I am currently unaware of the total amount collected in offline donations, but I have a good sense that we are well on our way to our goal.
If you cannot offer monetary support, You can help by sharing the GoFundMe page with your friends and family. If you are really creative, like Red Beard Glass, you could offer to auction off a piece of art or write a song or donate a blog to the Cannabis Digest. Thankyou for doing your part to help make history for medical cannabis patients in Canada.