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New Rules Hurt Patients
MMPR replaces MMAR and takes away patients’ right to grow For many, the MMAR as we know it will come to an end soon, as the federal government of Stephen Harper has decided to make some changes. The proposed date of Sept. 30, 2013 will be last time that they would like to be […]
Cannabis dispensaries in Canada, due to a lack of regulation, all operate under unique and individual mandates. As such, the membership requirements of each dispensary differ. We recommend travelling with a copy of your original proof of condition (doctors note) which the CBC of C staff will be happy to provide. It is also recommended […]
Cannabis Politics in BC: Local Government Takes the Lead
On May 14 2015, under the direction of Mayor Lisa Helps, Victoria City Council voted to follow Vancouver City Council’s lead and regulate medical cannabis dispensaries as legitimate, taxable Victoria businesses. Over the next few weeks, in conjunction with the city’s legislative and regulatory offices, city police, and senior members of the cannabis […]