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A Review of Dana Larsen’s Cannabis in Canada: The Illustrated History
Judith Stamps Some authors weave their chronicles into geometric shapes, presenting history as a long, upward trudge toward progress, usually via reason, and science; or portraying it as the steady, moral and physical decline of humanity from a nobler past; or showing a never ending round, as Mark Twain liked to say, of ‘one damned […]
Cannabis Carols
Here are two more Cannabis Christmas Carols for your collection. If you would like the whole set, come out to the Ministry of Health , in Victoria, on December 22nd at 7 pm
Advertising Marijuana II: Political Distortions in Canada and the US
With Seven Thoughts of the Day Thought One. ADS CAN BE DIRECT OR INDIRECT. INDIRECT ADS INCLUDE SAMPLES, FREE GIFTS, FREE TRIPS, PACKAGING, DÉCOR, AND SIGNS ON VANS 1. LIES. One form of advertising is packaging. In 2011, marijuana opponents in Colorado, aided by The Colorado Drug Investigation Association, tried to pass a bill prohibiting […]