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EDITORIAL: Protect Your Family From Prohibition
Here we are heading back into the season of holidays. We just celebrated Thanksgiving, now comes Halloween, Remembrance Day, the “insert your faith December celebration,” and New Year’s Eve. Regardless of whether you take much stock in these, they are days that you can use to reflect. As we spend these days with our families […]
Why We Protest When Politicians Are Not Listening
One of the most potent forms of activism is protesting on the street but getting large numbers and media attention is difficult to generate. Typically only politicians in opposition parties will attend rallies, with those in power heavily protected from hearing voices of discontented citizens. While this may deter some from organizing small scale protests, […]
Access to Extracts
Science, Reason and a chance for Compassion by Owen Smith Designated Growers in BC can legally make Extracts On May 31st 2013 Judge Johnston extended his decision from my Voir Dire (trial within a trial) in 2012, granting Designated Growers (DG’s) in British Columbia the right to make cannabis derivative products like hash, oils […]