Ted Smith
Bigger and better than ever, the Cannabis Digest is evolving as we all watch the cannabis industry explode around the world. In fact we could have even tried to make the last issue 32 instead of 28 pages but we actually forgot to put several of our advertisers in the paper, for which we profusely apologize. Hopefully we will continue to get more advertisers and grow even bigger in the future.
Meanwhile, our on-line presence has rapidly improved with the addition of daily blogs in June. In May we only had 3,000 hits on our site but that grew to 17,000 in June and 65,000 in July! Though the page slowed down a bit in August, that is likely due to summer holidays. We have started selling advertising on our web pages now to take advantage of this increase in viewers, as we are still struggling to break even.
(Google Analytics snapshot for the Cannabis Digest website)
There are several ways that you can work with us to help legalize cannabis. Information is power, and by working together to create, collect and share important knowledge we can try to ensure that cannabis policies continue to improve. By helping spread the information contained in the Cannabis Digest, you are doing a small part to help free the weed.
If you keep your paper, then keep it out where guests can see and read it. Encouraging your friends and family to read the paper is a great way to help convince people sitting on the fence that legalization is a valid approach to cannabis. Since cannabis users have historically been portrayed as lazy, uneducated addicts, it is important to have publications like the Cannabis Digest. They show that there is a mature side to the cannabis culture, one that does not focus on big buds and pretty girls.
If you do not want to keep the paper around, then please do not throw it out. Pick a good friend who might be interested and share it with them. Or find a local coffee shop that has a place for newspapers or magazines and stick it there. One of my favorite things to do on the bus is leave a paper sitting on a seat nearby. If no one takes it, then I grab it when I get off and try again next time.
(Marc and Jodie Emery featured in the Cannabis Digest Issue 41)
Of course, we are always looking for high quality contributors. We have at least one guest blog a week and are happy to publish relevant insights, personal stories, political commentary, scientific discoveries, industry developments, legal arguments or information about hemp. In order to stay focused we have left information about growing cannabis and new products to other media, in part so our readers never feel we are trying to promote something other than legalization.
Certainly supporting our advertisers and letting them know how much you appreciate the newspaper is an easy way you can help us. We are having to increase our advertising and subscription rates because we are growing, so it is very important to us that our advertisers feel their money is well spent. Our advertisers generally support the newspaper because they believe in the work we are doing, but it always helps when they feel they are gaining customer appreciation.
Finding new advertisers is the best thing you can do for the paper, as ultimately the Cannabis Digest has many expenses and I need food. Alternatively, for businesses that do not feel advertising would be worth it but still want to distribute the newspaper to their customers, we charge $25 per bundle, $13 for ½ bundle, to ship them in Canada. It is also greatly appreciated when someone is willing to cover the shipping costs to distribute papers at events or friendly stores.
For those on the internet, there are many more ways you can help us. Sharing our daily blogs on various social media sites is the best way to get the word out about our work. We love getting comments on our page, so feel free to contribute your two cents.
The Cannabis Digest also has one of the best cannabis forums on-line. With so much happening in the cannabis industry, it is important to have one site from which you can get all of the important daily updates. While we already have a top-notch team keeping the forums up-to-date, there is always room for more information. We have also just launched a Youtube channel, and anticipate producing many interviews and editorials.
With such a great Cannabis Digest team already, we have no doubt our future is going to be bright. As we grow to new heights, our vision of legal cannabis becomes more clear. Together we shall make sure Canadian cannabis policies suit our needs.