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New Survey on The Box!
We are very excited to be working with Marilou Gagnon of the Canadian Institute of Substance Use. VCBC is collaborating with UVic researcher Marilou Gagnon to study your experience using the Box and how the temporary closure of the Box is affecting you. If you are a VCBC member who smokes cannabis and used the […]
Cannabis Lab Testing Seminars Begin April 6th
Owen Smith On Wednesday April the 6th I will be attending a free Cannabis Lab Testing Seminar at The Hive in Vancouver, BC. The event is hosted by Canlio and Wagon Wheel. These two groups have recently combined to offer producers, dispensaries and patients access to affordable lab testing services. The event highlights how cannabis […]
The Policy That Could: Reflections on an Interview With a Young Liberal
On May 2, 2011, the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) suffered the worst defeat in its political history. Having won 34 out of 308 federal seats, the party found itself knocked into third place for the first time. It had a mere 19% of the vote, and held only 4 seats west of Ontario. For many it was a profound shock, raising for the first time the question of the party’s survival. One […]