Activism Blog Canada Media

A Personal Interview with Ted Smith

Cannabis Digest publisher Ted Smith has accomplished a great deal as a cannabis advocate: from founding the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club, to hosting the largest student club at the University of Victoria, to runnning 4K in a 10 ft. tall pot leaf costume in under an hour. He has led numerous legal challenges against bad cannabis laws. He has written and spoken about Cannabis and it’s many related issues extensively over the past few decades, but how did Ted get to where he is today?

I interviewed Ted for a new podcast series on

Take a Listen to the personal journey of one of Canada’s hardest working Cannabis advocates. Recorded in Ted’s living room in Cobble Hill, BC.

Take a read through Ted’s archive of helpful articles and videos HERE

Owen Smith
Owen has been writing for the Cannabis Digest since 2009, covering a wide range of topics related to medical cannabis. Owen’s articles are closely related to his constitutional challenge to legalized cannabis edibles extracts and oils. He is the founder of Ethical Growth Consulting

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