For Immediate Release: Tuesday August 6, 2024 Charter Denied: Compassion Club Ordered To Pay $3.2 Million. Victoria, B.C.: A Compliance Order from the Province of B.C., has been issued to the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club demanding the non-profit society pay a $3.2 million fine by September 6, 2024, though a similar fine against founder, Ted […]
Tag: Health Canada
Exemption Denied: Health Canada Shuts Door on Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club
For Immediate Release Friday June 2, 2023 Exemption Denied: Health Canada Shuts Door on Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club Victoria, B.C.: Despite multiple letters of support from the City of Victoria, a series of letters from drug policy experts and over 300 patient testimonials; Health Canada has denied a request from the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club […]
Virtually every professional body that deals with medical cannabis regulations would be happy to see the whole medical cannabis system disappear. With that in mind, Health Canada has produced a public survey intended to gain feedback about the effects of legalization with a question at the end designed to justify doing just that. While there […]
The VCBC Responds to Health Canada’s Proposed Edibles Regulation Survey
1- What do you think about the proposed THC limits for the new classes of cannabis products? The 10 mg per serving limit is far too low for consumers, especially anyone using cannabis for medical purposes. There are several reasons this limit is unreasonable. After advocating for the end of prohibition for 24 years, it […]
Tomorrow is the public’s last opportunity to send comments to Health Canada regarding regulations controlling the production and sale of edible and topical cannabis products, as well as other concentrates! This is a common tactic of Health Canada; They give interested taxpayers two months to submit answers to a handful of questions, appearing open to […]
Reasons Why We Need Cannabis Dispensaries
(Article first appeared at CanEvolve) Debra Harper The people who run dispensaries in Vancouver, Toronto and elsewhere, claim there is a need for their services. On the other side, most municipalities claim the need doesn’t exist because people can buy from Licensed Producers (LP’s). If we were introducing cannabis to society for the first time, then […]
Tousaw’s Thoughts on Health Canada’s Response To Allard on Aug 24
Ted Smith Later this month the federal government must enact laws allowing patients to grow their own supply of cannabis, as per the Federal Court of Canada decision handed down in the Allard injunction on Feb 24. Many patients have been left without the ability to grow their own medicine for years waiting for the […]
A Personal Interview with Ted Smith
Cannabis Digest publisher Ted Smith has accomplished a great deal as a cannabis advocate: from founding the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club, to hosting the largest student club at the University of Victoria, to runnning 4K in a 10 ft. tall pot leaf costume in under an hour. He has led numerous legal challenges against bad […]
Cannabis: Where We Are; Where We Might Go
Judith Stamps Legal cannabis will walk onstage in the midst of a crazy scene. But then, maybe all historical periods are crazy scenes. Here are some features of ours. In the 1880’s industrial nations moved from plant-based to chemically based medicines. The transition was hailed as progress, and had, among other effects, a profound influence […]
City of Victoria Cannabis Regulations Survey
Owen Smith The City of Victoria is currently exploring potential regulations relating to the operation of medical marijuana-related businesses within the municipality. There are only three days left to complete this survey created by the Victoria City Council to inform the regulation of medical cannabis dispensaries and other cannabis-related businesses. TAKE THE SURVEY HERE 20 years after the […]