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Hand Rubbed Hash
By Owen Smith While not as ideal as dry sifting and making water hash, hand rubbing is the most basic method of separating the medicinal trichome heads from the body of the plant. This important step is at the centre of the constitutional challenge that I took to the Supreme Court of Canada in March […]
RvSmith Fundraising Wrap-up
By Owen Smith The long road of trials that made up the six year RvSmith constitutional challenge was about as successful as such a legal quest can be. The Supreme Court of Canada delivered a landmark ruling that affirmed patients rights to choose a logically safer form of their medicine. I was found not guilty and the […]
UVic Hempology 101 Club Aims For Higher Status
After 21 years of actively educating students about cannabis, the University of Victoria Student Society Hempology 101 Club is attempting to improve its ranking from a regular student club to a constituency organization. If students vote to support this upgrade, the UVSS Hempology 101 Club gains access to more funds, a seat at the […]