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Marijuana and Lunacy: The Magnificent Failure of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission
On July 16, 1891, British MP and temperance enthusiast, Mark Stewart, rose in the House of Commons to talk about cannabis. Addressing the Under-Secretary of the State of India he asked: was the MP aware that according to recent medical journals, the lunatic asylums of India were filled with ganja smokers? Given these facts, […]
Tousaw’s Thoughts on Health Canada’s Response To Allard on Aug 24
Ted Smith Later this month the federal government must enact laws allowing patients to grow their own supply of cannabis, as per the Federal Court of Canada decision handed down in the Allard injunction on Feb 24. Many patients have been left without the ability to grow their own medicine for years waiting for the […]
Maritimers Unite for the Fight
By Debbie Stultz-Giffin Before I begin this article on the history of Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana Society (MUMM), I would like to thank Ted Smith for this opportunity to share some of what has and is happening on the East Coast medicinal cannabis front. I will tell you about myself and provide background […]