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Local Kid Cannabis Gets No Credit
By Ted Smith for the Cannabis Digest Rarely does an opportunity to act in a feature film fall into your lap. It is almost impossible then to be asked to virtually play yourself in the movie, even getting to introduce yourself, using your real name in your own place of business. An illegal business, to […]
B.C. Cannabis Secretariat Replies
No surprises here. The initial arrows have been sent back and forth, defensive positions are being taken and allies are being sent for. Do not despair when reading this email. This battle has just begun in a war that has raged for decades, and this email is by no means a game changer. After months […]
Victoria Supports Medical Cannabis
By Ted Smith Since moving to Victoria to be a cannabis activist in 1995, I have endeavored to pressure the city council into supporting the use of cannabis as medicine in all sorts of ways. This constant interaction has yielded many rewards, along with a few disappointments, helping to establish Victoria as one of the […]