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Stop the Violence B.C.
Winter has been a strange season for drug law reform in Canada. Years of battling a minority Harper government on its multiple inceptions of mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent cannabis offenses has finally gave way to a conservative majority, which has predictably pushed all the legal and moral standards to move forward this unreasonable, damaging […]
Latin America Says No To Drug War
By M. Allister Greene The tactics of the War on Drugs in Central and South America has formed a dust ring around it. But this dust is made up of blood, bones, drugs, money, and corruption. Many people from countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, and many other Latin American countries, met on […]
Weedy Blues III: Silly Logic: Fun with Numbers
In 2001, in response to a court challenge, Medical Marijuana Access Regulations (MMAR) was implemented in Canada, allowing patients to grow their own medicine. This law gave them a level of peace. But the federal government remained hostile to the idea, and so were a number of BC municipalities. In 2012, the peace ended. Health […]